The Power of Your Inner Drivers to Achieve Athletic Excellence

man in black shorts and black tank top doing push up

Are you an athlete who's striving to reach the pinnacle of your sport? Are you struggling to find the motivation to push yourself further and achieve your goals? Perhaps, you're unaware of your inner drivers that can propel you towards greatness and build your Fortitude!

In sport psychology, "inner drivers" typically refer to the intrinsic motivations that inspire an individual to participate in and excel at their sport. They are internal rewards, independent of external factors like money, fame, or acclaim. Inner drivers are closely related to motivation, but the reality is most people get motivation wrong.

The first step to unleashing the power of your inner drivers is to identify them. Self-reflection and self-awareness can be powerful tools in this regard. You can start by asking yourself some important questions like, "What do I value the most in life?", "What motivates me to succeed?", "What are my biggest fears and desires?". Some common inner drivers amongst athletes include:

  1. Enjoyment and Passion: Some athletes are driven by the pure joy they experience while participating in their sport. They love the process of training, competing, and improving, and their passion for the activity is a major source of their motivation.

  2. Personal Achievement and Mastery: Many athletes are motivated by the desire to improve their skills and abilities. They strive to set personal records, to master new techniques, or to overcome challenges in their sport.

  3. Mental and Physical Challenge: Some athletes enjoy the physical and mental challenges presented by their sport. They might thrive on the strategic aspects of their game or enjoy pushing their bodies to their physical limits.

  4. Self-Esteem and Confidence: Participating in sports can boost self-esteem and build confidence. Athletes may be driven to participate in sports as a way to validate their abilities and to build a positive self-image.

  5. Personal Growth and Life Skills: Sports can provide opportunities for personal growth and the development of life skills. Athletes might be motivated by the chance to learn about teamwork, leadership, perseverance, and other important life skills.

These intrinsic motivators or inner drivers can be incredibly powerful. They often play a major role in an athlete's success and longevity in their sport and can propel you on those days you need a little something more! That said, the specific motivations that drive an athlete can vary widely from person to person. Your goal is to identify your inner drivers, set specific goals, build a support system, embrace failure and celebrate your achievements, and you'll be well on your way towards greatness!